夏というのは非常にノスタルジックな季節だと思う。 遠い記憶は心の奥底に強く焼きついているはずなのに、 思い出そうとすればするほど泡沫のごとく消え失せる。 そして、脆く、儚い記憶は混濁し、ありもしなかった幻想的な夏の風景が立ち上る-
Musashino Academia Musicae Wind Enseble Concert 2024
Norichika Iimori Conductor
A vulnerable, yet precious memory of a summer far away.- ʻSummerʼis the theme for this composition.
Fireflies dancing in the dark, the vivid colors of fireworks,
cicadasʼscream and a dripping Morning Glory....
Summer is perhaps an exceptionally nostalgic season.
Memories far away.
Supposedly rooted into our hearts, yet they bubble away as we attempt to recall. Now, as the fragile, ephemeral memories melt into chaos,they project a fantastic summer that never existed.