Full Worklist
Hallucination for Chamber Orchestra (2023)
(1111/211/2perc/1piano,1harp/STRINGS 5-4-3-2-1)
TOKYO REQUIEM for Orchestra(2019-2020)
Not Found for Orchestra(2018-19)
Tsumabiku for Koto and Orchestra(2022)
SOLO KOTO +(2121/2220/3perc,1timp/1piano/STRINGS)
Bass Koto Concerto 'Nurse Log' (2020)
SOLO Bass Koto+(1111/1110/1perc/1piano/11111)
Trans-Trans for Percussion Quartet(2022)
Overgrowth for Soprano Saxophone and Piano(2022)Lion Diary for Quartet(2021)
On the Shore... for cello and Piano (2021)Tasogare Arcadia for Oboe and Sho (2021)
Power Trio for 3 players (2019) (Bass fl,Bass Koto,Double Bass)
EssayⅠ(芙蓉/霧の星座) for Soprano and 2 Koto (2018)
EssayⅡ「こひすてふ…」for Soprano and 17絃 (2018)
ex_ for Flute and Piano (2018)
ex_ for Piano Duo ver. (2019)
Obsessive Perversion for Shamisen and 5players(2017-18) -fl, perc, Bass Koto, Shaminsen, piano, vn.-
A Flapping Butterfly for Flute and Piano (2017)
Diffusibility #拡散希望 for Koto and piano (2017)
Floating Cloud for Cello (2024)
夏空にたゆたう for Vibraphone Solo (2021-2022)
Post-Utopia for cello (2020)
Human error / Dance! for violin(2019)
Frozen Sketch for Piano(2019)
Frozen Flower for piano (2017)
Freaky Bach for Flute (2017)
【Japanese Instruments】
夕立の祝祭 箏合奏のための(2024)(Koto1, Koto2, Koto3, Bass Koto)
"A Sakura Petal" for Koto Solo (2024)
Rikka for Koto Solo(2023)
金星抄 二十五絃と十七絃のための(2022)
Hana Musubu for Koto duo(2022)
Hana Sasou for Koto Solo (2021)
Memories of Kinokawa for Koto Ensemble (2021)
ログ 独奏十七絃のための(Log for Bass Koto Solo) (2021)
In Flight, In Mind for 5 Shakuhachis (2021)
Yuugao... in the garden for Shakuhachi and Koto (2021)
春雨クライシス for Shakuhachi, Koto, Bass Koto (2021)
泡沫リバース for Sho and Koto (2020)
淡彩ファンタジィ/#春霞#たなびく#Sakura… for Koto Ensemble (2019)
(Koto1,Bass Koto1,Koto2,Bass Koto2)
Sakura Fragments for koto trio (2019)
Nostalgie Fragie for Koto Ensemble (2018)
星空☆ぷろむなーど for 17strings Koto duo (2017)